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Replacement Cartridges for Rockola Jukeboxes

P-51 Replacement Cartridge

This brand new cartridge is designed to replace the now out of production Astatic #51 originally found in 1428-1465 models. 

(Will also work in earlier 30's & 40's models with converted tone arms.)

It's the closest match to the original Astatic 51 available and is available in three versions, one for 45's & two for 78's

Max recommended tracking pressure: 8 grams for 78 play and 6 grams on 45 play

Changing to this cartridge from the original will require some soldering and may also require some fitment/modifications

Cartridge sold complete as shown with needle pre-installed and 2 solder lugs


45 and Repro 78 play with Sapphire Tip For use with stereo or mono 45 RPM records or new 78's only (Sold with a Sapphire .7 mil stereo compliant needle) $19.99

45 and Repro 78 play with Diamond Tip For use with stereo or mono 45 RPM records or new 78's only (Sold with a Diamond .7 mil stereo compliant needle) $29.99

Currently Out Of Stock


2 mil: Best machines that Play 45's and 78's or new and old 78's intermixed  For use with original and reproduction 78 RPM records (Sold with a 2 mil sapphire needle installed) $19.99

3 Mil: Best for machines playing vintage 78s  For use with original 78 RPM records (preloaded with 3 mil needle) $22.99

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P-51 Cartridge Adapter


Use this adapter to fit the P51 cartridge to most 78 playing Rockola tone arms

If your tone arm uses a single fastener to hold the cartridge in place, this should fit


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P51 78 RPM Replacement Needles

IMG_2343.JPG (33413 bytes)

Sapphire 2 mil tip $10

Sapphire 3 mil tip $12.99

P51 45 RPM Replacement Needles

Diamond .7 mil tip $14.95 (Best overall pick for 45/33 records)

Currently Out of Stock

Sapphire .7 mil tip $10 (Good for stereo & mono 45's, but shorter life then diamond tip)

Sapphire 1 mil tip $10 (Better for mono 45's, but will play stereo)

Model TN4 / P132

The TN4/P-132 is a quality replacement for the Astatic #15 found on many stereo Rockola's from the 1465 through 418, and most 100 selection models 429 up to the 445.

While it is a stereo cartridge, it can be wired with the channels in parallel for use in the mono/HiFi sound systems.

(Note: This is not suitable for replacing Shure M77 or M44 magnetic type cartridges original to many Rockola models starting with the 424)

(Note: Fitment my require some slight modifications)

IMG_2284.JPG (13496 bytes)  IMG_2294.JPG (16618 bytes)

Choice this version for 45/33 play

Comes complete with solder lugs and .7 mil stereo compatible diamond tip needle on both sides of the flip type needle

Temporarily out of stock


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IMG_2284.JPG (13496 bytes)  IMG_2294.JPG (16618 bytes)

Choice this version for 45/33 & 78 play

Comes complete with solder lugs.

Flip type needle has one side for 45/33 play with .7 mil stereo compatible diamond tip needle

and the other side with 3 mil needle for playing original 78's


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Optional 45/78, diamond .7 mil / sapphire 3 mil needle for P132  $12.99

  IMG_2288.JPG (13868 bytes)

Standard 45/33: stereo compliant replacement .7 mil diamond needle for P-132  $14.99


Replacement for the Shure M44 or M77 magnetic cartridges found on many 60's models and all later model Rockola models 

This is a 4 pin stereo cartridge, wire l/r channels in parallel for use on mono equipped models. 


Sold as shown, with needle, and a generic fastener set

(Fastener set is not meant as an exact replacement set and may not fit your tone arm)

Uses the standard 1/2" mounting  $44.99

Replacement Needles for the AT3600

Commercial Duty - Exact Replacement, Diamond Tip, $19.99


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Needles 4 Jukeboxes LLC
1920 Harbor Point Dr
Merritt Island FL 32952-2834


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Site Last Updated 3/3/2025