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Antique Apparatus

Key Help Aireon AMI Antique Apparatus NSM Rockola Rowe Seeburg Touch Tunes United Wurlitzer


Antique Apparatus Jukebox Keys

The keys I offer are for the original factory installed locks only



The EC-105 fits the cabinet lock on Antique Apparatus Retro Jukeboxes

This would be the models like the RB-8, Bubbler, Coca-Cola & Gazelle models


If lock looks like this


Then order this key

EC105 Cabinet Key $12.99

A word about the EC105 series lock

The EC105 locks that were, and are still being used by AA / Rockola are Chinese made and of a very poor quality

While every other key I make is 99.99% sure to work, the EC105, even using the exact factory code, there's about a 75% chance the key will work

This is due to poor workmanship on part of the manufacturer

Which means no matter how close a key is made to the EC105 specs, (and mine are made to within less then one thousand) the key may not turn

If you purchase a key and it will not open the door, you have 3 options:

Send in the lock and key for matching, return the key for refund, or purchase one of my exact replacement EC105 Cabinet Locks (Click Here)

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Cash Box Door Keys

AA used the B & C series locks for the cash box doors on most models

Check the face of your lock, if it looks like either of these, has a B or C followed by up to 3 digits (01A-633A) stamped into it, I can cut a key for it.

If the face is blank I cannot make a key.

Available Numbers

B01A-B500A, 526A - 550A

C01A-C500A, 526A - 550A

Only $13.99 each

Key Number

Note: Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable



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Needles 4 Jukeboxes LLC
1920 Harbor Point Dr
Merritt Island FL 32952-2834


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Site Last Updated 3/3/2025