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Standard Keys

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Single & Double Sided Keys for Soda Vending Machines

Note: All Keys are custom made to order and are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable



Your lock must be stamped with a legible code that is listed below and that number must be submitted with your order

DO NOT enter key numbers that are not listed -  refund fees may apply!


If the lock on your machine does not have a number - there is No Way to supply a key for it


Need Help?  email the code number from the lock and include a clear picture of the lock face

Please do not send pictures of your machine, its ID tag, model or serial numbers, unlike jukeboxes that data has absolutely no bearing on which key is required


Please read! The stamped codes on lock faces can be very difficult to accurately read. The round numbers can look alike and some locks stampings are just about impossible to see with the naked eye

Clean/polish the face, use a magnifier and read in daylight, whatever it takes to get an accurate reading

The number you submit must be absolutely correct or the key will not work

Returned keys may be subject to a fee, so take your time and get it right

Not sure? Forward pictures and I'll try to help

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Chicago PR series Keys

Commonly found on machines built in the 1950's - 1970's

Check the face of your lock, if it looks like this with a PR followed by 3 digits (see below for numbers available) stamped into it, I can supply a key

Available Key Numbers:

PR201-PR222, PR225, PR230, PR235

PR301, 302, 303, PR305-PR310, 312, 315, 317, 319, 325, 326

PR501-PR520, PR531, PR533-PR537, PR576, 581, 582, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 590

PR1301-PR1320, PR1352, 1353, 1355

$15 each

Enter Key Number

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VN Series Keys

Check the face of your lock, if it looks like this and has a VN followed by 3 digits (see below for numbers available) stamped into it, I can supply a key


Available Key Numbers:

All numbers VN901 - VN914

Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable

$15 each

Enter Key Number

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Westinghouse WEX Series Soda Machine Keys

Check the face of your lock, if it looks like this one and has a WEX stamped into the face followed by 1 to 2 digits (see below for numbers available) stamped into it, I can supply a key


Available Key Numbers: WEX1-WEX11 & WEX30-WEX39

Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable

$15 each

Enter Key Number

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Rockford VE Series Soda Keys

Check the face of your lock, if it looks like this with a VE followed by 3 digits (see below for numbers available) stamped into it, I can supply a key


Available Key Numbers: VE601-VE611, 614, 615, VE618-VE626, VE632

VE850 - VE860

$15 each

Key Number

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National B & C Series Keys

National locks are found on many vending machines including Rowe, they are also used on all Rowe/AMI jukeboxes and wallbox (still with their original locks)

Cavalier and several other brands of vending and soda machines also commonly used National locks

Check the face of your lock, if your lock looks like these and has the same alpha numeric code (starting with a B or C followed by up to 3 digits stamped into it, I can supply a key for it

If it's blank or has a code starting with a letter other then B or C, I cannot

Any number from B01A-B500A, 526A - 550A, 631A, 632A or 633A

 Any number from C01A-C500A, 526A - 550A, 631A, 632A, or 633A

Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable

$14.99 each 

Key Number

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KT700 Series Keys

A commonly found lock on many VMC and other soda machines

Check the face of your lock, if it has KT followed by one of the available numbers stamped into it, I can supply a key

Available Numbers: KT701, KT706, KT709, KT710, KT711, KT721, KT722, KT731, KT741, KT750

 Key $15 each

Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable


Enter Key Number

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KT800 Series Keys

A commonly found lock on many VMC, Vendo and other soda vending machines

Check the face of your lock, if it has KT followed by one of the available numbers stamped into it, I can supply a key

Available Numbers: KT801, KT802, KT803, KT805, KT806, KT807, KT818, KT821, KT824, KT825, KT826, KT831, KT841, KT851, KT890

$15 each

Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable


Enter Key Number

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PU Series Keys

Check the face of your lock, if it has a PU followed by 1-3 digits (PU1-PU575) stamped into it, I can supply a key

$15 each

Enter Key Number

Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable


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H2000 Series Keys

Check the face of your lock, if it has a H followed by 4 digits (H2001-H2576) stamped into it, I can supply a key

$15 each

Enter Key Number Here

Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable

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Illinois / Duo V Series Keys

Check the face of your lock, if it has a V followed by 3 digits stamped into it, I can supply a key

Available Key Numbers: V801-V815

$15 each

Key Number

Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable

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Check the face of your lock, if it has a IMD followed by 1 or 3 stamped into it, I can supply a key

Available numbers: IMD1 or IMD3

$15 each

Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable

Select Key Number

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1600 Series Keys

Check the face of your lock, if it has a number from 1670-1674 stamped into it  I can supply a key

Available numbers: 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674

$15 each

Custom Made Keys are Non-Cancelable/Non-returnable

Select Key Number

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Needles 4 Jukeboxes LLC
1920 Harbor Point Dr
Merritt Island FL 32952-2834


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Site Last Updated 3/3/2025