Wurlitzer Tone Arm Trip Switch

Fits many models from 1100 up to some 2500's These are vintage/NOS
Switches - Supply is limited You will need to swap your old switches trip wire over
Latch Solenoid
Fits Wurlitzer models 1700-2150

Part #60717
Brand new reproduction $59.99
Latch Solenoid
Fits Wurlitzer models
2200 - 3800

Part #112104
Brand new reproduction $59.99
Selection Cancel Assembly
Fits all Wurlitzer models
3400-3810, 7500 & 1050

Part #133476 NOS Original Wurlitzer Stock
Wurlitzer Read Out Switch Fits all Wurlitzer models
3400-3810, 7500 & 1050

These are vintage/NOS
Switches - Supply is limited You will need to swap over the old
switches trip arm